Odyssey of the Mind
Odyssey of the Mind is an international educational program that provides creative problem-solving opportunities for students from kindergarten through college. Team members apply their creativity to solve problems that range from building mechanical devices to presenting their own interpretation of literary classics. They then bring their solutions to competition on the local, state, and world level. Thousands of teams from throughout the U.S. and from about 25 other countries participate in the program.
See the creative experience of Odyssey
Join a Key School Odyssey of the Mind Team
Key has a long and successful legacy with Odyssey of the Mind. Teams from Key have won at the Regional competition and selected to compete at the State and World levels.
Interested? Sign Up Now
Why do it?
To develop higher level thinking skills through creative negotiating and problem solving skills in a team environment.
To make new friends and learn unique approaches to things through drama, art, music, construction, etc.
When does it start?
K-2nd graders generally start after January 1st.
3rd-5th graders generally start in November.
How does it work?
Teams of 5-7 children each are generally formed based on grade by the coordinator and/or the coaches.
Meeting days are generally once a week immediately after school until around 5 p.m. This schedule is flexible within each team and based on coach and team members’ availability.
All teams create a short skit, complete with costumes, dialogue, props, and other individual problem-specific parameters (such as the inclusion of a vehicles, balsa structures, songs, literary and artistic references, etc.).
The skit is performed at a judged event on March 8, 2024, with teams from other Northern Virginia schools.
Participation by students is a privilege provided by volunteers. Students will be required to sign and abide by a behavior contract in order to participate fully.
The Internet has examples of past Odyssey of the Mind performances. (For example, try searching YouTube for "Odyssey of the Mind.")
Additional information:
Who are the Odyssey Coaches?
You could be an Odyssey coach! All teams are coached by a parent volunteer. No experience is necessary. Formal training is provided as well as you will have access to other Key School Odyssey coaches, past and present.
All parents will have a role — you can coach or assist your child’s team, provide weekly snack, plan the dress rehearsal, coordinate spontaneous practices, be trained as a regional judge, and/or volunteer at the NoVA East meet.
Success depends on students’ involvement, commitment, efforts, and creativity!
PARENT COACHES ARE NECESSARY -- teams cannot be formed without them.
How Much Does it Cost?
The cost is generally around $25 and is dependent on each team. This money is used to pay for the registration for the Key team’s membership, t-shirts, coaches’ training, judges’ training and participation at the regional competition.
Coaches may request additional support for snacks or materials needed for the team.
If your team is awarded a spot at the state or world competition, each team would be required to cover their travel costs. The PTA can assist with fundraising for those teams if needed.
Sign-Up Now. (Sign up by Nov 1, 2024!)
Once you complete the registration, and after we have coaches, we will work to form teams based on grade and your student’s availability. However, teams may change in order to accommodate availability.
Questions? Please contact Key parents and Key School Odyssey of the Mind Coordinators, Genevieve Wright and Natalia Bailey at odyssey@keypta.org.
"Odyssey of the Mind” es un programa creativo de resolución de problemas que enseña a los estudiantes cómo pensar de manera divergente al proporcionar problemas abiertos que atraen a una amplia gama de intereses. Los estudiantes resuelven estos problemas escribiendo sketches, cosiendo disfraces, haciendo accesorios y, dependiendo de la elección del problema, construyendo vehículos, elementos técnicos o estructuras de madera de balsa. También hace que los estudiantes trabajen en grupo para realizar tareas.
NECESITAMOS entrenadores. No podemos ejecutar el programa sin ellos.
Encuentro regional: Antes de registrar su estudiante y / o voluntario para ser un entrenador / juez debe asegurarse de que está disponible el Sábado, 8 de marzo 2024 para participar en el encuentro regional.
DIRECCIONES: Odyssey puede ser un programa difícil de describir para aquellos que no han participado antes. Intente buscar “Odyssey of the Mind “en YouTube para que pueda ver actuaciones y como funciona.
COMPROMISO FAMILIAR: Hora: La participación en la Odisea de la Mente puede ser un gran compromiso tanto como para el niño y su familia. Normalmente, los equipos se reúnen más o menos una vez por semana a partir de mediados del mes de noviembre hasta mediados del mes de febrero y consecuentemente podrían reunirse más a menudo hasta que llegue el encuentro Regional que se llevara a cabo el día 8 de marzo de, 2024 . Aunque los padres no pueden ayudar a los equipos con su trabajo, esperamos su colaboración voluntarial para ayudar al entrenador, juez, anfitrión de reuniones, y animar a sus hijos a trabajar en tareas durante las reuniones. Cada equipo debe tener un entrenador y un juez con el fin de participar.
NECESITAMOS entrenadores para ejecutar este programa. Si no has entrenado antes, ¡no te preocupes! ¡Hay muchos recursos disponibles!
Utilice el formulario en línea para registrarse: Fecha límite 1 de Noviembre.