The proposed APS budget

Definitions of commonly used acronyms

DLI: Dual Language Immersion

ELD: English Language Development teacher

FTE: Full-time Equivalent (a way of defining how many staff members a school has for any given position – schools can be given fractions of FTEs for certain positions; i.e., 1.6 FTEs for PE)

EL: English Learner student (they have a first language other than English)

The Big Picture 

Costs are rising to maintain essential educational programs/services and cover staff compensation increases. Meanwhile, Governor Youngkin’s proposed budget significantly reduces the already insufficient funding for K-12 education.  Superintendent Durán’s proposed SY2025-2025 APS budget has cuts that affect Escuela Key.

There is more inforamtion below. You can also see the Superintendent’s slideshow 

Summary of how the budget affects Escuela Key 

The superintendent’s proposed budget:

Escuela Key PTA asks that the superintendent and school board:

Applicable to all APS schools

Specific to Escuela Key


Specific to Escuela Key and Claremont

Class Size Report 2023-24

A Call to Action


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APS budget creation and approval

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APS budget funding decisions 

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Virginia State Officials

Additional Information on the proposed budget

Superintendent Duran presented the APS Proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Budget on February 29th. You can find the slides here and the full document here. You can find the information related to Escuela Key on pages 156-157. You can also find additional information about 80/20 implementation staffing on page 118. 

Highlights of the proposed budget:


*Note: the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates Agree to Budget which among other items it includes:  Three percent salary increases for teachers for each year of the biennium; Significant increase in funding for at-risk students (based on JLARC recommendations); Increased support for English language teachers and tiered staffing ratios based on student proficiency levels; Restoration of the local composite index cap for the Virginia Preschool Initiative after its removal from the introduced budget. Note that Governor Youngkin has not yet agreed to this and could use some encouragement.

                         Class Size Report 2023-24